Saturday 3 June 2017

"I want to quit my job!"

"I want to quit my job!"

Does it sound familiar?

I bet almost all of us will hear this from our colleagues, not once, not twice, but all the time. So how many of them have left?

The answer is none.

The reason is simple because no one will scream out his/her plan if he really wanted to execute it. This by statistic will increase the chances of success. Therefore, for people who repeatedly ranting about leaving or quitting his/her current job will actually stay put, until he/she suddenly becomes quiet. Then that could be a sign of leaving.

Anyway, I have been thinking when is the best time to quit your current job?

I left my first job just under 2 years at there. At that time, a better opportunity dropped by, but it actually put me in a dilemma because I had a good affiliation to my company then. I felt at ease working at the company then. Suffice to say, it has become a comfort zone for me.

Because of this, I knew I have to move on to a new role to reignite the diminishing flame within me. Of course the line manager (interviewer) played his part perfectly in laying out an exciting challenge ahead of me, should I be on board. It was through this experience that I realized the importance in keeping myself motivated all the time, i.e. staying hungry as ever in the fight against unknown.

Rejecting comfort zone and making bold move to take on new challenge serve as my constant reminder in my current role. It is better to be overwhelmed by the challenges than staying in the comfort zone eternally. The excitement from the ups and downs of life is far more convincing that a flat life. Imagine the heart beat image from a cardiogram. Up and down and up and down and up and down. When it becomes flat straight line, we die.

Therefore, when is the best time to quit your job? It is when that flat straight line appears. Go elsewhere to look for electrical shock to make your heart beats again. Be mindful that it is not advisable to rely too much on that electrical shock. You might just get electrocuted one day. (i.e. constantly switching jobs is not beneficial to your life)

I bet for those who do not read my article in full (i.e. reading only the title) will start spreading false rumor that the author wants to quit his job.

I can only laugh and carry on my quest to success.


Loser Blames Poor Fate.
Winner Humbly Thanks Luck.

Just Saying.

The Lik

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